Maritime College of Forest Technology is pleased to host a list of Wetland Professionals/Consultants who offer services in New Brunswick.  Wetland Professionals/Consultants are invited to provide their name and contact information to be added to the Wetland Identification and Delineation List and/or the Wetland Functional Assessment List.

As per the Protocol for Wetland Delineation in New Brunswick, a Wetland Professional/Consultant who can conduct Wetland Identification and Delineations in the province is a person having a combination of:

  • Training in wetland identification and delineation based on the Northcentral and Northeast Regional Supplement of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (1987) or an equivalent pending review from the Source and Surface Water Management Branch, Department of Environment and Local Government
  • Education and/or demonstrated experience in wetland hydrology, soils, botany and/or related sciences

As per the Wetland Ecosystem Services Protocol – Atlantic Canada, a Wetland Professional/Consultant who can conduct Wetland Functional Assessments in the province is a person having a combination of:

  • Completed 2-day WESP-AC training course or an equivalent pending review from the Source and Surface Water Management Branch, Department of Environment and Local Government; and
  • Education and/or demonstrated experience in wetland delineation, restoration, hydrology, wetland soils, and botany

Le Collège de technologie forestière des maritimes est heureux d’héberger une liste de professionnels/consultants en terres humides qui offrent des services au Nouveau-Brunswick. Les professionnels/consultants en terres humides sont invités à fournir leur nom et leurs coordonnées à être ajouté à la liste d’identification et de délimitation des terres humides et/ou à la liste d’évaluation des fonctions des terres humides.

D’après le Protocole de délimitation des terres humides au Nouveau-Brunswick, le professionnel/consultant des terres humides qui peut effectuer l’identification et la délimitation des terres humides dans la province est une personne ayant une combinaison de:

  • formation à l’identification et à la délimitation des terres humides basée sur le supplément régional du manuel de délimitation des terres humides de l’U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (1987) ou un équivalent qui rencontre les exigences de la Direction de gestion des eaux de source et de surface
  • éducation et/ou une expérience démontrée en hydrologie des terres humides, sols, botanique et/ou sciences connexes

D’après le Protocole sur les services écosystémiques des terres humides pour le Canada atlantique, le professionnel/consultant des terres humides qui peut effectuer une évaluation des fonctions des terres humides dans la province est une personne ayant une combinaison de:

  • formation de deux jours sur le WESP-AC ou un équivalent qui rencontre les exigences de la Direction de gestion des eaux de source et de surface
  • éducation et/ou une expérience démontrée en délimitation, en restauration, en hydrologie, en sols et en botanique des terres humides

For additional information regarding the Protocol for Wetland Delineation in New Brunswick and Wetland Ecosystem Services Protocol – Atlantic Canada, please contact the Department of Environment and Local Government: Source and Surface Water Management Branch P. O. Box 6000 Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1 Canada Tel: 506-457-4850 Fax: 506-453-6862 Email:

Pour plus d’information à propos du Protocole de délimitation des terres humides au Nouveau-Brunswick ou le Protocole sur les services écosystémiques des terres humides pour le Canada atlantique, s.v.p., contacter le Ministère de l’Environnement et des Gouvernements locaux: Direction de la gestion des eaux de source et de surface P. O. Box 6000 Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1 Canada Teléphone: 506-457-4850 Fax: 506-453-6862 Adresse courriel :


OrganizationFirstLastAddressProvProtocol for Wetland Delineation in New Brunswick/ Protocole de délimitation des terres humides au Nouveau-Brunswick(WESP-AC) Wetland Ecosystem Services Protocol – Atlantic Canada / Protocole sur les services écosystémiques des terres humides pour le Canada atlantiqueProfessionals willing to provide training to new practionersEmailEducationPhone 1/ Téléphoner 1Phone 2/ Téléphoner 2URL
Boreal EnvironmentalMariaMacIvorFrederictonNBYESNOmaria@borealenvironmental.comMSc Environmental Management(902) 759-2518
Boreal EnvironmentalDerrickMitchellSaint JohnNBYESYESderrick@borealenvironmental.comB.Sc.F., R.P.F. (506)
Boreal EnvironmentalRyanPowerSaint JohnNBYESYESryan@borealenvironmental.comMSc(506)
Boreal EnvironmentalGreg QuinnMactaquacNBYESYESSenior Delineator and WESP-AC Professional for Hiregreg@borealenvironmental.comBScF(506) 461-0443
CBCL Ltd. 421-7241 Ext.2298
CBCL Ltd.SophieJensenHalifaxNSYESYESSenior Delineator and WESP-AC Professional for Hiresjensen@cbcl.caDipl. Conservation and Restoration Ecology(902) 321-1589
CBWES Inc.KirstenEllis (she/her)NSYESNOinfo@cbwes.comMSc(902) 440-2097
Dillon Consulting Ltd.SeanDoyleSaint (506) 633-5000(506) 333-9850
Dillon Consulting 478-0925
Dillon Consulting 450-4000
Dillon Consulting Ltd.ZacharyeSimaiHalifaxNSYESYESzsimai@dillon.caB.Sc.(902) 219-4888
Dillon Consulting Ltd.AmberYatesFrederictonNBNOYESayates@dillon.caB.Sc., P. Tech(506) 470-0341
Don-More Surveys & Engineering Ltd.AndrewTooleSaint 652-7358
Engineering By HoughtonMattDarrahSaint
Fundy Engineering and Consulting LtdMatthewAlexanderSaint JohnNBYESYESSenior Delineator and WESP-AC Professional for Hirematt.alexander@fundyeng.comPh.D, P.Geo.,EP(506) 674-9422(506)
Fundy Engineering and Consulting LtdAshton HoweSaint 435-4210(506)
GEMTEC Consulting Engineers and Scientists LimitedLauraMooreSaint JohnNBYESYESlaura.moore@gemtec.caB.Sc.(506) 871-1552
GEMTEC Consulting Engineers and Scientists LtdStewartGibsonFrederictonNBYESYESSenior Delineator and WESP-AC Professional for 429-9690
Glenn Group Landscape Architects and Park PlannersBlakeCreamerFrederictonNBYESNObcreamer@glenngroup.caBA, MLArch.(506) 455-2473(506)
Hilcon Ltd. ClaraThaysenFrederictonNBYESNOclara.thaysen@hilcon.caMSc.(506) 454-4455(647) 456-3358
Hive 227-6093(506)
Maqamigew Anqotumeg - Mi’kmaq for “we take care of the land”LyleVicaireFrederictonNBYESYESSenior Delineator for Hirelylev@maqamigw.caB.Sc.(506) 261-5308
Overdale Environmental Inc.TheoPopmaMonctonNBYESYESSenior Delineator and WESP-AC Professional for Hireoverdalee@gmail.comMSc.(506)
Petitcodiac Watershed AllianceShane
Petitcodiac Watershed 384-3369
Roy Consultants GroupJonathan 472-9838 Ext.2403
SNB Wood Co-operative Ltd.JamieFloydNBYESNOjfloyd@snbwc.caBScF, RPF(506)
Sole PractionerGarethDaviesStanleyNBYESNOSenior Delineator for Hirelilcliffydavies@gmail.comBSc., FT(506) 292-0852
Sole PractitionerMariekaChaplinFrederictonNBYESYESmarieka.chaplin@gmail.comB.Sc., P.Ag.(506) 261-4664
Sole PractitionerJean-YvesDaigleShippaganNBYESNOjydaigle@nb.sympatico.caPhD. Consultant en terres humides indépendant/Freelance Wetland consultant(506) 336-4502
Sole PractitionerHélèneGautreau-DaigleShippaganNBYESNOhelenegd@nbnet.nb.caBSc. Consultant en terres humides indépendant/Freelance Wetland consultant(506) 336-4502
Sole 315-1897
Sole PractitionerJasenGoldingFrederictonNBYESNOjsgold66@gmail.comRPF(506) 461-1671
Stantec Consulting Ltd.HeatherButtonSaint JohnNBYESYESheather.button@stantec.comB.Sc. Biology(506)
Stantec Consulting Ltd.MichaelCrowellNSYESYESSenior Delineator and WESP-AC Professional for Hiremichael.crowell@stantec.comB.Sc. Biology, M.Sc. Plant Ecology(902)
Stantec Consulting Ltd.KrystalMathiesonSaint JohnNBYESYESSenior Delineator and WESP-AC Professional for Hirekrystal.mathieson@stantec.comB.Sc. Biology, M.Sc. Plant Ecology(506)
Stantec Consulting 229-8945
STRUM 835-5560(902) 221-5715
Strum 930-2572
Strum 579-6644
Strum ConsultingDafnaSchultzHalifaxNSYESYESdschultz@strum.comMREM(902) 835-5560
Tabusintac Watershed AssociationBillie JoeFowlerTabisntacNBYESYESSenior Delineator and WESP-AC Professional for 778-0378
Viridis Design Studio Ltd. Adam 387-7992(506) 962-0115
Viridis Design Studio Ltd. Chris 387-7992(506) 961-2645
Wolastoqey Nation in New BrunswickDakotaTomahWoodstock First NationNBYESYESDakota.tomah@gmail.comBSc.ENR Honours in Wetland Plant Ecology, In year 2 of MSc.ENR Ethnobotany of Wetland Plants(506) 461-9558
WSP Canada Inc.CodyPytlakMonctonNBYESYEScody.pytlak@wsp.comBA, PG(ER)(613) 690-1240(506)
WSP Canada Inc.GarrettBellFrederictonNBYESYESSenior Delineator and WESP-AC Professional for 238-1358
WSP Canada Inc.MeghanMarriottDartmouthNSYESYESSenior Delineator and WESP-AC Professional for 444-8348


 updated July 8th, 2021