All students attending the Maritime College of Forest Technology are enrolled into the two-year Forest Technology Diploma program. The program focuses on developing a student’s proficiency in the use of various tools and technologies used in gathering data across forested environments, as well as developing knowledge of forestry dynamics, wildlife habitat, management, and current issues. As a forest technician, you will be doing field work in ever-changing forested stands, and applying the skills you’ve learned to research, management, and natural resource conservation tasks. Upon successful completion of the Forest Technology program students receive a diploma in Forest Technology. Unlike traditional high schools and universities, students enrolling at MCFT all receive the same class schedule each semester.


September to December

  • Self-Leadership
  • Communication Fundamentals
  • Critical Reading
  • Writing Basics
  • Computer Applications I
  • Math
  • Field Skills
  • Tree Mensuration
  • Forest Plants 
  • Forest Animals
  • Basic Chainsaw Operations


January to April

  • Teamwork
  • Applied Writing
  • Verbal Communication
  • Winter Field Skills
  • Computer Applications II
  • Forest Sampling 1
  • Stand Dynamics
  • Forest Communities
  • Forest Values and Utilization
  • Scaling
  • Geomatics I
  • Geomatics II
  • Conventional Logging
  • Basic Pump Operation


September to December

  • Leading Others
  • Computer Applications III
  • Forest Sampling II
  • Forest Conservation
  • Site Classification
  • Silvicultural Treatments
  • Forest Fire
  • Forest Pathogens
  • Forestry Operations I
  • Geomatics III
  • Basic Brushsaw Operation


January to April

  • Coordination
  • Computer Applications IV
  • Forestry Operations II
  • Applied Silviculture
  • Climate Change
  • Geomatics IV
  • Stand Assessment
  • Operational Planning
  • Forest Management
  • Timber Cutting and Sawmilling

An essential piece of any Forest Technician’s equipment is their Field Book. Field books are used to log information related to dates, times, activities, crews, and surroundings while in the field. Through the information catalogued in a field book, a technician should be able to account for their location and activities on any given day. It should also act as a resource that can be referred to when key bits of past information need to be reviewed. Throughout the duration of the Forest Technology program, students will be encouraged to log field book entries for during outdoor labs and activities.

Work Practicum

April to September

All MCFT students are required to complete a 10-week work practicum in the summer between their first and second year of study. The only requirement is that a student’s position be forestry or wildlife related. Many students use this opportunity to travel and experience work in other provinces for the first time. Students are required to secure their own positions and negotiate their employment directly with the employer. However, MCFT will forward job postings for summer positions directly to students beginning as early as October. In certain cases, interviews and physical testing required for certain positions can be done on campus. A completed summer work practicum is required in order for a student to graduate from the program.  Students enrolled in the Fish & Wildlife program are encouraged to obtain wildlife-related work experience during this work term, although this is not mandatory. Prospective students are encouraged to begin thinking of possible work placement options prior to enrolling at the college.